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Conditions de vente


Company name Edelweiss etculottecourte
Name responsible Chombart de Lauwe
First name responsible Philippine
Head office 1090 route des Erables - Lavaud-Delbos
Postal code 19510 
City Salon La Tour
Country France
Phone +33(0)184254095 - (sms)+33(0)664925821
Siret 51404801600018
Site host

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubais



The site is the property of the company Edelweiss et culotte courte in its entirety, as well as all related rights. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is systematically subject to the authorization of the owners. However, hypertext links to the site are authorized without specific request.

1. Acceptance of the conditions

The customer acknowledges having read, at the time of placing the order, the special conditions of sale set out on this screen and expressly declares accepting them without reservation.
These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship between Edelweiss&culottecourte and its customer, both parties accepting them without reservation. These general terms and conditions of sale shall prevail over any other terms and conditions appearing in any other document, except in the event of prior, express and written derogation.

2. Products

The photographs illustrating the products are not contractually binding. Edelweiss&culottecourte cannot be held responsible for any errors that may have occurred. Most of the products offered by Edelweiss&culottecourte are available in our warehouse. The quantity available is indicated on each item sheet.

3. Control

Automatic recording systems are considered as proof of the nature, content and date of the order. Edelweiss&culottecourte confirms acceptance of the order to the customer at the e-mail address provided. The sale will only be concluded once the order has been confirmed. Edelweiss&culottecourte reserves the right to cancel any order from a customer with whom there is a dispute concerning the payment of a previous order. The information provided by the buyer when placing an order is binding: in the event of an error in the recipient's contact details, the seller cannot be held responsible for the impossibility of delivering the product.

4. Delivery

Edelweiss&culottecourte has chosen Colissimo suivi without signature or registered mail if the item to be sent is more important.
After confirmation of the order and receipt of payment, Edelweiss&culottecourte undertakes to do its utmost to deliver all items ordered by the purchaser to the post office within a maximum of 48 working hours, except for products that can be delivered within 10 days. This carrier is bound by contract with Edelweiss&culottecourte to deliver the order to the purchaser's address provided by Edelweiss&culottecourte. In the case of cash-on-delivery, the customer undertakes to pay the carrier or its representative the full amount indicated on the order confirmation.

In addition, for deliveries outside metropolitan France, the customer agrees to pay all taxes due on the import of products, customs duty, value added tax, and any other taxes due under the laws of the country in which the order is received. All orders placed with Edelweiss&culottecourte are intended for the personal use of customers, and customers or recipients of products are prohibited from reselling all or part of the products. Edelweiss&culottecourte will not be held legally responsible if the customer fails to pay taxes.
Delivery will be made by La Poste using either colissimo suivi or chronopost, depending on the customer's choice of transport within Metropolitan France. Delivery is made within the time slot agreed with the customer by handing over the product directly to the named recipient, or in the event of absence, to another person authorized by the customer. Any delays do not entitle the purchaser to claim damages.

The deliveries in the countries of the EEC are carried out by the post office in colissimo followed Europe or in Chronopost according to the choice of the customer, for the deliveries except the EEC the deliveries are carried out by the international postal services or Chronopost according to the choice of the customer.

In case of apparent defects, the buyer benefits from the right of return under the conditions provided for in this document.
War, riot, fire, strikes, accidents and the impossibility of being supplied are considered as cases of force majeure discharging the seller from his obligation to deliver. The goods always travel at the risk of the recipient. Always check your package upon arrival. You have a period of 48 hours to make any reservations with the carrier in case of missing or damaged.
For reasons of availability, an order can be delivered in several times to the customer. The customer pays only one delivery. If the customer wishes 2 places of delivery, it places 2 orders, with the expenses of delivery related.

5. Withdrawal, return and exchange

You have 15 days (as from the reception of the articles) to make you an opinion. In case of exchange or refund, return the article(s) new, not worn, intact, folded as received and still bearing its label, to the following address

Edelweiss et culotte courte
1090 route des Erables - Lavaud-Delbos
19150 Salon La Tour

In the event of an exchange, the return is at the customer's expense. Edelweiss&culottecourte will cover the cost of shipping the exchanged item to Metropolitan France.
FranceOutside these three countries, shipping costs are at the customer's expense.
In the event of exercising the right of withdrawal, Edelweiss&culottecourte is obliged to reimburse the sums paid by the customer, free of charge, with the exception of return shipping costs and any charges levied by Paypal. Reimbursement is due within a maximum of one month and will be made in the form of the initial payment chosen by the customer (credit card, cheque, bank transfer or Paypal).

6. Awards

The price is expressed in euros.
The price indicated on the product sheets does not include transport.
The price indicated in the order confirmation is the definitive price, Edelweiss et culottecourte not being subject to VAT (article 293B of the CGI) VAT is therefore not applicable. This price includes the price of the products, the costs of handling, packaging and preservation of the products, transport and commissioning costs.

7. Simple and secure payment

The price invoiced to the customer is the price indicated on the order confirmation sent by Edelweiss&culottecourte.
The price of the products is payable in cash on the day the order is placed.

At the time of the order, let yourself be guided, you can choose your means of payment:

  • by credit card with the security system of our partner STRIPE,
  • your PayPal account,
  • by cheque payable to: Edelweiss et culotte courte

and sent to the following address:
Edelweiss etculottecourte
1090 route des Erables - Lavaud-Delbos
19510 Salon La Tour

  • by IBAN transferby IBAN transfer
  • EN72 3000 2062 3700 0007 1701 V18

    The order validated by the customer will only be considered effective once the bank payment centers concerned have given their approval. In the event of refusal by the said centers, the order will be automatically cancelled and the customer will be informed by e-mail. Furthermore, Edelweiss&culottecourte reserves the right to refuse any order from a customer with whom a dispute exists.

    Payment in installments with Alma

    The payment in several times/deferred is available via our partner Alma. The security of the payments is ensured by Alma and its providers. All payments are protected by 3D Secure.

    Purchase amount

    • P2X: Only purchases between €50 and €2,000 are eligible for payment with Alma.
    • P3X: Only purchases between €50 and €2,000 are eligible for payment with Alma.


    By paying in installments with Alma the Customer does not pay any fees.

    Alma is a telepayment manager and issues an electronic certificate that will be considered as proof of the amount and date of the transaction in accordance with the provisions of articles 1316 and following of the civil code.


    Any termination of the T&Cs between the Seller and the customer will result in the termination of the T&Cs between Alma and the customer.

    8. Litigation

    Le présent contrat est soumis au droit français. Edelweiss et culotte courte ne peut être tenu pour responsable des dommages de toute nature, tant matériels qu’immatériels ou corporels, qui pourraient résulter d’un mauvais fonctionnement ou de la mauvaise utilisation des produits commercialisés. Il en est de même pour les éventuelles modifications des produits résultant des fabricants. La responsabilité de Edelweiss et culotte courte sera, en tout état de cause, limitée au montant de la commande et ne saurait être mise en cause pour de simples erreurs ou omissions qui auraient pu subsister malgré toutes les précautions prises dans la présentation des produits. En cas de difficultés dans l’application du présent contrat, l’acheteur à la possibilité, avant toute action en justice, de rechercher une solution amiable notamment avec l’aide :
    d’une association professionnelle de la branche , d’une association de consommateurs ou de tout autre conseil de son choix. Il est rappelé que la recherche de la solution amiable n’interrompt pas le  » bref délai  » de la garantie légale, ni la durée de la garantie contractuelle. Il est rappelé qu’en règle générale et sous réserve de l’appréciation des tribunaux, le respect des dispositions du présent contrat relatives à la garantie contractuelle suppose que l’acheteur honore ses engagements financiers envers le vendeur.

    The complaints or contestations will always be received with attentive benevolence, the good faith being always presumed in the one who takes the trouble to expose his situations. In the event of a dispute, the customer will first contact the company to obtain an amicable solution.
    Failing that, the Commercial Court of Paris has sole jurisdiction, regardless of the place of delivery and the method of payment accepted.

    9. Warranty

    Edelweiss&culottecourte guarantees that all selected products are made, produced or edited in Europe.

    In all cases, Edelweiss&culottecourte may not be held liable for non-compliance with the regulatory and legislative provisions in force in the country of receipt. Edelweiss&culottecourte 's liability is systematically limited to the value of the product in question, at the date of sale, with no possibility of recourse against the brand or company producing the product.

    En toute hypothèse, le client bénéficie de la garantie légale d’éviction et des vices cachés (Art.1625 et suivants du code Civil). À la condition que l’acheteur fasse la preuve du défaut caché, le vendeur doit légalement en réparer toutes les conséquences (art.1641 et suivants du Code civil) ; si l’acheteur s’adresse aux tribunaux, il doit le faire dans un  » bref délai  » à compter de la découverte du défaut caché (art.1648 du Code civil). Vous pouvez contacter le service clients : 6 jours sur 7 (du lundi au samedi inclus) au numéro de téléphone: +33 (0)1 84 25 40 95
    par mail à (réponse sous 48h)

    10. Legal information

    Le renseignement des informations nominatives collectées aux fins de la vente à distance est obligatoire, ces informations étant indispensables pour le traitement et l’acheminement des commandes, l’établissement des factures et contrats de garantie. Le défaut de renseignement entraîne la non-validation de la commande. Conformément à la loi  » Informatique et Libertés « , le traitement des informations nominatives relatives aux clients a fait l’objet d’une déclaration auprès de la Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). Le client dispose (article 34 de la loi du 6 janvier 1978) d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui le concernent, qu’il peut exercer auprès de Edelweiss&culottecourte. De plus, Edelweiss&culottecourte s’engage à ne pas communiquer, gratuitement ou avec contrepartie, les coordonnées de ses clients à un tiers.

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